"God has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!" Psalm 126:3

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Imagination of a 1.5 Year Old

Children are hardwired to be imaginitive. I know this first hand from all my young cousins that I've watched make forts, play house, wear towels around their neck & "fly" just like Superman , have tea parties with a princess & the queen, and the list goes on & on.

I always wondered when Malachi would start to play nicely on his own without being entertained & develope these imagination skills for himself; apparently that time is starting now. Although not saying alot of words, Malachi is starting to talk more & more, and I am beginning to understand more all the time his make believe world. Sometimes I like to just sit & watch him, still other times I find its even better to join in! We, as parents have a big impact on our children's imaginations. I find with each stage of his imagination developing, taking part in his games & listening to him helps me to understand what he's thinking too. If Malachi wants me to do something or he wants something, he already knows how to let me know, without even neccessarily saying real words.

A typical day consists of him bringing me a big blanket in hopes that I will make a fort for him so he can "read" his books in it & telling me about the pictures, driving his cars & tractors on his car mat while of coarse making all the appropriate vehicle noises, "making me food in his play kitchen" then proceeding to give it to me, saying "Mmmmm...", dancing & singing the ABC's or Twinkle Twinkle Little Start, "fixing" things in the house with his tools, playing dress up and even set up his animals at his little table to yes have a tea party! (Daddy's real proud of that one!). He also loves to do crafts already. Given I have to help him quite a bit. I just find the more I show him, the more he wants to do. Not only that, our children watch us so closely and mimick all the things we do. Which is probably why he is giving me pretend food on a plate all day and then trying to put them in my dishwasher when he's done with them, or constantly "dusting" everything for me with a cloth. :)

All the time I've spent (and will continue to spend) reading books, sharing stories, relishing in his artwork, encouraging pretend play, making music and especially limiting his t.v. time has paid off. Malachi is showing imatative play by what he sees me and others do and I know we will see it continuing to flourish as he gets older. As parents we need to hit the pause button once & awhile & play with our children. So next time your child wants you to engage in his games or make believe, put aside what your doing & stop worrying about the things that aren't getting done, relish in the fun and watch your child's imagination grow. That's what I've found myself doing lately, and at the end of the day as I say my prayers, I thank the Lord for this wonderful gift of life he's given unto us. I feel blessed to be able to watch him grow & learn each & every new day.

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